How to Add Image Field In Odoo

Abid Patel
30-Sep-2024 Updated : 30-Sep-2024

Learn how to add an Odoo image field using the Odoo image widget in this step-by-step customization guide. Enhance your Odoo form views with images for a better user experience.

How to Add Image Field In Odoo

Odoo, a powerful ERP platform, allows for extensive customization of fields in various views and forms. One of the most commonly used features is the ability to add an image field in Odoo. This is particularly useful when you need to associate images with records, such as product photos or employee avatars. In this blog, we’ll explore how to add an image field in Odoo using XML and Python code, along with a practical example.

Why Add an Image Field in Odoo?

Incorporating an image field in Odoo can enhance both the visual appeal and functionality of your application. Whether you’re managing products, employees, or customers, having images directly attached to your records provides better identification and improves the user experience. Odoo makes this simple with the use of the widget="image" property.

Example of Adding an Image Field

Let’s walk through the steps of adding an image field to a form view. Below is an example of how to define the image field in the XML view:


    <form string="Product Form">
                <field name="name" string="Product Name"/>
                <field name="image_field" widget="image" class="oe_avatar" string="Product Image"/>

In this XML example, we’ve added the image_field with the widget="image" and the class="oe_avatar" to display the image in a circular avatar format. This setup is ideal for adding an image to your product or employee record forms.

Python Code for Image Field

To complement the XML code, we need to define the field in the Python model. Here’s how to define the image field in the model:


    from odoo import models, fields
    class Product(models.Model):
        _name = ''
        _description = 'Product Management'
        name = fields.Char(string='Product Name', required=True)
        image_field = fields.Image(string='Product Image')

This Python code defines a new model, Product, and adds the field image_field as an Image type. This matches the field referenced in the XML view, making it possible to upload and display images in the form view.

Benefits of Using Image Fields in Odoo

Adding an image field in Odoo offers several advantages:

  • ▹ Improves the user experience by providing visual identifiers for records.
  • ▹ Makes the interface more intuitive, especially when managing products or people.
  • ▹ Enhances data presentation, making it easier to navigate records.


By incorporating an image field into Odoo, you can enhance both the functionality and visual appeal of your application. The combination of XML and Python code allows for seamless integration of images into your forms and views. For more details on customizing Odoo, visit the Odoo official website or explore more customization tips on FreeWebSnippets.

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