Understanding the Force Save Attribute in Odoo

Abid Patel
22-Oct-2024 Updated : 22-Oct-2024

Learn how to use the Force Save attribute in Odoo to ensure that important field values are saved even when the form is not modified.

Understanding the Force Save Attribute in Odoo

In Odoo, the Force Save attribute is a helpful feature when you want to ensure that changes to certain fields are saved regardless of their state. This attribute is typically used in views where specific data needs to be saved, even if the field in question might otherwise be skipped. By using this attribute, you can enforce that the system saves the modified values of a field, improving data consistency and user experience.

What is Force Save in Odoo?

The Force Save attribute ensures that the field value is always saved, even if the form has not been explicitly modified by the user. It can be especially useful in cases where you are programmatically modifying field values or where a particular field's value needs to be preserved regardless of user input.

Implementing Force Save Attribute

To apply the Force Save attribute to a field in a form view, you can add the force_save="1" property in the XML definition of the view. Below is an example of how you can use it in a form view:


<record id="view_custom_model_form" model="ir.ui.view">
    <field name="name">custom.model.form</field>
    <field name="model">custom.model</field>
    <field name="arch" type="xml">
                    <field name="force_field" force_save="1"/>

In this example, we define a field force_field inside a form view, and we apply the force_save="1" attribute to ensure that the value of this field will always be saved, regardless of whether the form has been modified.

Use Cases for Force Save

There are several scenarios where the Force Save attribute is highly useful:

  • ▹ When field values are being modified programmatically through computed fields or onchange functions, and you want to ensure that those changes are persisted in the database.
  • ▹ When dealing with system-critical data that must be saved to ensure the stability of processes, even if the user does not directly interact with the field.
  • ▹ In configurations or settings pages where some values must always be saved, even if the user doesn’t modify them directly in the UI.

Practical Example

Let’s say you have a custom module where you track a field for a specific record that needs to be saved every time the record is updated, even if the user does not modify it. By applying force_save="1", you can guarantee that the system will save this field's value whenever the form is saved.


<field name="priority" force_save="1"/>

In this case, even if the user does not modify the priority field, the system will save its value when the form is submitted.


The Force Save attribute in Odoo is a useful tool for ensuring data consistency and integrity, especially when working with fields that are critical to the system or that are modified programmatically. By applying the force_save="1" attribute to specific fields, you can make sure that important data is saved regardless of user interactions.

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