How to Apply Domain for Fields in Odoo

Abid Patel
16-Oct-2024 Updated : 16-Oct-2024

Learn how to apply a domain for fields in Odoo to filter records and control data display. Step-by-step guide with examples in XML and Python.

How to Apply Domain for Fields in Odoo

In Odoo, applying a domain to fields is a powerful way to filter records and restrict the data displayed in forms, views, and other elements of the system. By applying a domain on a field, you can limit the choices or records a user can interact with, improving both performance and usability. In this blog, we will explore how to apply a domain for fields in Odoo and use it effectively in different scenarios.

What is a Domain in Odoo?

A domain in Odoo is a filter that limits the records shown in a field based on specified criteria. It is typically defined as a list of tuples, where each tuple contains three parts: the field name, the operator, and the value. Domains are used in search filters, fields, and relational models to control what data is presented to the user.

How to Apply a Domain on a Field

Domains are applied on relational fields such as Many2one, One2many, and Many2many fields. You can apply a domain directly in the XML view definition or in the Python model.

Example: Applying a Domain in XML

Here’s a simple example of how to apply a domain in an XML view:

<field name="partner_id" domain="[('customer_rank', '>', 0)]"/>

In this example, the domain is applied on the partner_id field, and it filters the records to show only those partners who are customers (i.e., have a customer_rank greater than 0).

Applying a Domain in Python

You can also define a domain in the Python code. This is useful when the domain needs to be dynamic or dependent on specific conditions.

from odoo import models, fields

class SaleOrder(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'sale.order'

    partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', domain="[('customer_rank', '>', 0)]")

In this example, the domain is defined in the field declaration of the partner_id field, and it filters the list of partners to show only customers.

Using Domains with Conditional Logic

Sometimes, you might want to apply a domain that changes based on certain conditions. For instance, you may want to show different options depending on the user or the context of the record. This can be achieved using the context and domains in the form view.

Example: Conditional Domain Based on Field Value

Here’s how you can apply a conditional domain based on another field’s value:

<field name="product_id" domain="[('categ_id', '=', categ_id)]"/>

In this example, the product_id field will only show products that belong to the same category as the selected categ_id.

Applying a Domain in Search Views

Domains are not only used in form views but also in search views. You can define a domain to filter search results based on predefined criteria, making it easier for users to find the data they need.

    <filter name="customer_filter" string="Customers" domain="[('customer_rank', '>', 0)]"/>

In this search view example, a filter named customer_filter is applied, showing only customers in the search results.


Applying a domain for fields in Odoo is a great way to filter and control the data displayed to users. Whether you're filtering customers, products, or other records, domains provide flexibility and control in the way you handle relational fields. By utilizing both XML and Python domains, you can ensure that only relevant data is accessible in your Odoo modules, improving performance and usability for users.

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