How to Disable Export Excel Option From Odoo Tree View

Abid Patel
17-Oct-2024 Updated : 17-Oct-2024

Learn how to disable the export Excel option in Odoo tree view to prevent data export. export_xlsx="0" This guide provides steps and code examples for customizations.

How to Disable Export Excel Option From Odoo Tree View

In Odoo, tree views are commonly used to display data in a tabular format. By default, Odoo provides the option to export data to an Excel file (or CSV) from these views. However, there are cases when you might want to disable the export Excel option for security or business reasons. This blog will guide you on how to disable the export feature in Odoo tree views.

Why Disable the Export Excel Option?

There are several reasons why a company might want to disable the export Excel option from tree views in Odoo:

  • ▹ To prevent sensitive data from being exported and shared externally.
  • ▹ To control data leakage and maintain data privacy.
  • ▹ To limit access to specific users or user groups.

In Odoo, you can achieve this by overriding the tree view or applying specific permissions based on user roles. Let's see how we can disable the export Excel option step by step.

How to Disable Export Excel Option in Odoo

To disable the export Excel option in Odoo tree view, follow these steps:

  • ▹ Override the action that triggers the export functionality.
  • ▹ Modify the tree view to remove the export option for specific users or groups.
  • ▹ Update the user access rights to restrict the export feature.

Example Code to Disable Export in Odoo

You can disable the export option by restricting it from the user interface using Python or XML. Here’s a basic example:


        <record id="view_sale_order_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
            <field name="name">sale.order.tree</field>
            <field name="model">sale.order</field>
            <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <tree string="Sales Order" export_xlsx="0">
                    <field name="name"/>
                    <field name="partner_id"/>
                    <field name="date_order"/>

In this example, we’ve set export_xlsx="0" in the tree tag, which disables the export option for the sales order tree view.

How to Apply Permissions for Exporting Data

Another approach to disable the export Excel option is to manage user access rights. Odoo allows you to restrict permissions to certain users or groups. This can be achieved by customizing the access control rules or removing the export permissions for specific user roles.

For example, you can define a security rule that allows only the admin or a specific group to have the ability to export data, while others are restricted from using the feature.


Disabling the export Excel option in Odoo can be crucial for maintaining the security and privacy of sensitive data. Whether it's through customizing the tree view or managing user access rights, Odoo provides flexible options to control this functionality. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily disable the export feature in your Odoo instance to suit your business needs.

For more advanced customizations, you can explore Odoo’s developer documentation or seek guidance from experienced developers to ensure the system is configured correctly.

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