SQL Constraints in Odoo

Abid Patel
16-Oct-2024 Updated : 16-Oct-2024

Learn how to apply SQL constraints in Odoo to maintain data integrity. Step-by-step examples of using UNIQUE and CHECK constraints in Odoo models.

SQL Constraints in Odoo

In Odoo, constraints play an essential role in maintaining data integrity and ensuring that certain rules are followed when storing records in the database. One such constraint is the SQL constraint. SQL constraints help ensure data validity at the database level, preventing invalid or duplicate data from being inserted. In this blog, we will explore how to define and use SQL constraints in Odoo and provide an example of their usage.

What Are SQL Constraints?

SQL constraints are rules applied to a table to enforce restrictions on the data that can be inserted, updated, or deleted. These constraints are enforced directly by the database, which helps ensure that the data remains consistent. SQL constraints include UNIQUE, CHECK, NOT NULL, and FOREIGN KEY constraints.

How to Define SQL Constraints in Odoo

In Odoo, SQL constraints are defined using the _sql_constraints attribute in a model. This attribute is a list of tuples where each tuple contains the name of the constraint, the SQL statement, and an error message that will be shown if the constraint is violated.

Below is an example of how to define a SQL constraint in Odoo:

from odoo import models, fields
    class ProductTemplate(models.Model):
        _inherit = 'product.template'
        name = fields.Char(string='Product Name', required=True)
        _sql_constraints = [
            ('unique_product_name', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'Product name must be unique!')

In this example, we add a UNIQUE constraint to the name field of the product.template model to ensure that no two products have the same name. If a user attempts to create or update a product with a duplicate name, an error message will be displayed: "Product name must be unique!".

Types of SQL Constraints in Odoo

Here are some commonly used SQL constraints in Odoo:

  • UNIQUE: Ensures that a field or a combination of fields contains unique values.
  • CHECK: Ensures that a condition is met for a field.
  • NOT NULL: Ensures that a field cannot be empty or null.
  • FOREIGN KEY: Ensures that a field refers to a valid record in another table.

Example of a CHECK Constraint

In addition to UNIQUE constraints, you can also apply CHECK constraints. A CHECK constraint validates that the value of a field meets a specific condition.

from odoo import models, fields
    class ProductTemplate(models.Model):
        _inherit = 'product.template'
        list_price = fields.Float(string='Sale Price')
        _sql_constraints = [
            ('positive_price', 'CHECK(list_price > 0)', 'The sale price must be greater than zero.')

In this example, we use a CHECK constraint to ensure that the list_price is always greater than zero. If the user tries to input a negative or zero value for the sale price, the system will throw an error with the message: "The sale price must be greater than zero."

Benefits of SQL Constraints in Odoo

Using SQL constraints in Odoo has several benefits:

  • ▹ They ensure data integrity at the database level.
  • ▹ They prevent invalid data from being saved, reducing data corruption.
  • ▹ They improve performance by letting the database handle data validation.


SQL constraints in Odoo are an essential tool for maintaining the accuracy and consistency of data. By enforcing rules such as uniqueness, non-null values, and other conditions at the database level, you can prevent invalid or duplicate data from being stored. Whether you're dealing with product names, sale prices, or any other critical data, applying SQL constraints helps keep your data clean and reliable.

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