Stored Compute Field in Odoo and Its Dependency

Abid Patel
17-Oct-2024 Updated : 17-Oct-2024

Learn how to create stored compute fields in Odoo, optimize performance, and set dependencies using the @api.depends decorator for dynamic field updates.

Stored Compute Field in Odoo and Its Dependency

In Odoo, computed fields are a powerful feature that allows you to define fields whose values are calculated dynamically based on other fields. However, there are cases where you might want to store the computed value in the database for performance optimization or to ensure that the value is saved permanently. This is where a stored compute field comes into play. In this blog, we will discuss how to create a stored compute field in Odoo and how to set its dependency to ensure it updates correctly when other fields change.

What is a Stored Compute Field?

A stored compute field in Odoo is a computed field whose value is saved (or stored) in the database. By default, computed fields are not stored, which means that their values are recalculated every time they are accessed. However, storing a computed field improves performance by avoiding recalculations each time the field is queried.

To store a computed field, you need to set the store=True attribute when defining the field in the model.

How to Create a Stored Compute Field

To define a stored compute field, you need to follow these steps:

  • ▹ Define the field in the model.
  • ▹ Write a compute method that calculates the value of the field.
  • ▹ Set the store=True attribute to ensure that the field value is saved in the database.

Here’s an example:

from odoo import models, fields, api

class SaleOrder(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'sale.order'

    total_amount = fields.Float(string='Total Amount', compute='_compute_total_amount', store=True)

    def _compute_total_amount(self):
        for order in self:
            order.total_amount = sum(order.order_line.mapped('price_total'))

In this example, the total_amount field is a stored compute field that calculates the sum of the total prices of all order lines in a sale order. The value is computed using the _compute_total_amount method and is stored in the database for better performance.

Setting Dependencies for Stored Compute Fields

To ensure that a stored compute field updates correctly when other fields change, you need to define its dependencies. This is done using the @api.depends decorator. Dependencies define which fields should trigger the recomputation of the computed field.

In the example above, the @api.depends('order_line.price_total') decorator tells Odoo that the total_amount field depends on the price_total field of the order lines. Whenever the price_total of any order line changes, the total_amount field will be automatically recomputed and updated in the database.

Benefits of Using Stored Compute Fields

Using stored compute fields provides several benefits:

  • Performance Optimization: Stored compute fields improve performance by saving computed values in the database, reducing the need for recalculations.
  • Persistence: The computed values are stored permanently in the database, ensuring data consistency.
  • Real-Time Updates: When dependencies are correctly set, stored compute fields automatically update when related fields change.

When to Use Stored Compute Fields

You should consider using a stored compute field when:

  • ▹ The computed value is needed frequently, and recalculating it every time would be resource-intensive.
  • ▹ The field value should be saved and persisted in the database for future use, even after the record is closed or the server is restarted.


The stored compute field in Odoo is a great way to optimize performance and ensure data consistency by storing calculated values in the database. By setting dependencies with the @api.depends decorator, you can ensure that these fields are updated automatically when the related fields change. Whether for performance or persistence, stored compute fields are an essential part of Odoo’s flexibility and power.

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