Trim Attribute in Odoo

Abid Patel
29-Oct-2024 Updated : 29-Oct-2024

Learn how to use the trim attribute in Odoo to remove unwanted spaces from data entries, ensuring cleaner, more consistent data for improved accuracy and usability.

Trim Attribute in Odoo

What is the Trim Attribute?

The trim attribute within Odoo automatically eliminates any preceding or trailing whitespace in character or text fields. It's an ideal tool for data cleanliness and consistency. With trim=True extra spaces are eliminated from the beginning or end of any text field. There is no need for users to manually remove extra spaces.

Example of Trim Attribute

Let's see an example. Implementing trim attribute in a character field of Odoo model:


from odoo import models, fields

class ProductTemplate(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'product.template'

    product_code = fields.Char(string="Product Code", trim=True)

In the code snippet there is a 'product_code' field. It has automatic removal of leading or trailing whitespace. This helps make certain that data in the field is clean. Clean data can avert errors in searches. It can also avoid errors in comparisons.

Why Use the Trim Attribute?

Several benefits are brought by using the trim attribute in Odoo.

  • ▹ It brings Enhanced Data Consistency. Extra spaces make records inconsistent, this can lead to duplication. Trim=True in Odoo ensures that only clean data is stored.
  • ▹ Another benefit is Error Prevention. If a field is used for record matching and there are extra spaces, mismatches can happen. Trimming helps us avoid this problem.
  • ▹ Using Trim Attribute improves User Experience. Users don’t have to worry about mistakenly adding spaces. It reduces frustration and improves the overall usability.

When should you Use the Trim Attribute?

Trim attribute is suited for fields where extra spaces might cause problems. Fields like unique identifiers and reference codes benefit from this feature. Certain text fields also benefit. This ensures users don’t need to be vigilant about removing spaces. Trim attribute in Odoo is a powerful, simple tool. It cleans user input automatically. It keeps data accurate. It prevents issues with matching and provides a better experience for users. Use trim=True in fields where whitespace might be an issue. You can maintain a cleaner, more functional database that way.


Trim attribute in Odoo is simple but a powerful tool. It automatically cleans up user input. This helps to keep data accurate. It prevents matching issues. It provides a better experience for users. By adding trim=True to fields where whitespace could be an issue you can maintain a cleaner, functional database.

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