Understanding the Priority Widget in Odoo

Abid Patel
26-Sep-2024 Updated : 26-Sep-2024

Learn how to add and customize the priority widget in Odoo to manage tasks effectively. Improve workflow efficiency by assigning priority levels with this simple guide.

Understanding the Priority Widget in Odoo

The priority widget in Odoo is a versatile tool that allows users to manage tasks, tickets, or any other records by setting different priority levels. This feature helps businesses stay organized and handle critical tasks first. In this blog, we will explain what the priority widget in Odoo is, how to add it to your forms, and how it can benefit your workflow.

What is the Priority Widget in Odoo?

The priority widget is a visual element used to represent priority levels for records such as tasks, helpdesk tickets, or projects. Typically displayed as stars or flags, users can click on the widget to assign a priority level to a record. This makes task management in Odoo more intuitive and user-friendly.

Benefits of Using the Priority Widget in Odoo

The priority widget in Odoo offers several advantages:

  • ▹ Efficient Task Management: Users can assign and identify high-priority tasks quickly, improving productivity.
  • ▹ Improved Workflow: It helps streamline processes by ensuring critical tasks are completed on time.
  • ▹ Easy-to-Use Interface: The visual representation makes it easy for all users, regardless of technical expertise, to assign and understand priority levels.

How to Add the Priority Widget in Odoo

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to implement the priority widget in your Odoo model and form view.

Step 1: Define the Priority Field in the Model

The first step is to add a priority field to your Odoo model. Below is an example of how to define a selection field with priority levels in your Python model file:


from odoo import models, fields

class Task(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'project.task'

    priority = fields.Selection([
        ('0', 'Low'),
        ('1', 'Normal'),
        ('2', 'High'),
    ], string='Priority', default='1')

This code defines a priority field with three levels: Low, Normal, and High. The default level is set to Normal.

Step 2: Add the Priority Widget to the Form View

After defining the field in the model, the next step is to display the priority widget in the form view by modifying the XML file. Below is an example of how to add the widget:


<record id="view_task_form" model="ir.ui.view">
    <field name="name">project.task.form</field>
    <field name="model">project.task</field>
    <field name="arch" type="xml">
        <form string="Task">
                    <field name="name"/>
                    <field name="priority" widget="priority"/>

The widget="priority" attribute is used to render the priority field as a clickable widget, allowing users to easily set the priority level.

Customizing the Priority Widget in Odoo

You can further customize the priority widget in Odoo by adding more priority levels or changing the appearance of the widget. For example, to add an "Urgent" level, update the selection field as follows:


priority = fields.Selection([
    ('0', 'Low'),
    ('1', 'Normal'),
    ('2', 'High'),
    ('3', 'Urgent'),
], string='Priority', default='1')

This modification adds a fourth priority level, giving users more flexibility when assigning tasks.

Using the Priority Widget Effectively

To get the most out of the priority widget in Odoo, here are some best practices:

  • ▹ Clear Priority Definitions: Define the priority levels clearly so that all users understand how and when to use them.
  • ▹ Consistent Usage: Train your team to use the priority widget consistently across all tasks to avoid confusion.
  • ▹ Task Filtering: Take advantage of Odoo’s task filtering features to sort tasks by priority and focus on the most urgent ones.


The priority widget in Odoo is an essential tool for improving task management and workflow efficiency. By adding and customizing this widget in your Odoo environment, you can prioritize important tasks and ensure they are completed in a timely manner. Whether you’re managing projects, tickets, or any other records, the priority widget helps your business stay organized and productive.

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