Decimal Accuracy in Odoo with Currency Precision

Abid Patel
30-Oct-2024 Updated : 30-Oct-2024

Learn how to configure decimal accuracy in Odoo with currency precision, ensuring reliable calculations for financial data with currency-specific decimal places.

Decimal Accuracy in Odoo with Currency Precision

In Odoo significance of managing decimal precision becomes even more apparent. This is especially the case when dealing with currency values. Financial records will warrant high levels of accuracy. Decimal Accuracy and Currency precision settings allow users a form of control. Users can manage the number of decimal places displayed. This ensures accuracy in their calculations. This is particularly crucial in financial transactions.

What Is Decimal Accuracy with Currency Precision in Odoo?

Decimal accuracy is a feature in Odoo. It enables users to define the precision of numerical fields. When one combines it with currency_id Odoo dynamically adjusts decimal places. It is based on the currency format. This flexibility ensures correct display of financial fields. And it ensures the fields are calculated according to currency standards.

Setting Up Decimal Accuracy and Currency in Odoo

In Odoo you configure field to follow specific decimal accuracy. It is defined for a particular currency. By linking field to a monetary currency_id field comes into play. Then system auto applies correct number of decimal places. This is based on the currency's configuration.

Example Code


from odoo import models, fields

class DecimalAccuracyExample(models.Model):
    _name = 'decimal.accuracy.example'

    currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', string="Currency")
    price = fields.Monetary(string="Price", currency_field="currency_id")
    weight = fields.Float(string="Weight", digits=("Stock Weight"))


  • ▹ currency_id is a many-to-one relation field. This field references res.currency model.
  • ▹ price is a monetary field. It uses currency_id field. This ensures, number of decimal places adjusts. It is based on currency's specific decimal precision.

Configuring Currency Precision in the Backend

  • ▹ Currency Configuration: Head to Invoicing. Proceed to Configuration. Go to Currencies. Here you can set decimal accuracy. It’s specific to each currency.
  • Decimal Accuracy Setup: Move to Settings. Go to Technical. Select Database Structure. Hit Decimal Accuracy. Here you view or customize decimal places. It's for specific applications.

Why Decimal Accuracy with Currency Precision is Crucial?

It's important to set decimal accuracy with currency precision. This is done for business accuracy. It's particularly vital in several instances.

  • ▹ Financial Reporting is one such instance. The goal here is to ensure consistency of currency values. They should be consistent across reports.
  • ▹ International Sales is also an instance. Here one has to adapt to diverse currency formats. They also need to deal with varying decimal places.
  • ▹ Pricing and Invoicing is another crucial instance. It's about maintaining accuracy. It also deals with professional financial documents.


Combining Decimal Accuracy with currency_id in Odoo allows robust control. This control is over financial data. It supports precision in global financial transactions. It helps in adapting to currency-based decimal requirements. Configuring decimal accuracy alongside currency settings promotes accuracy. It also ensures reliability. It serves in calculating across Odoo applications.

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