How to Hide Fields Based on Conditions in Odoo

Abid Patel
17-Oct-2024 Updated : 17-Oct-2024

Learn how to hide fields based on conditions in Odoo using the attrs attribute, Python code, or user roles. Discover the best practices for field visibility.

How to Hide Fields Based on Conditions in Odoo

In Odoo, there are scenarios where you may need to hide fields based on specific conditions. For example, a field should only be visible when certain criteria are met, such as the status of a record or the value of another field. Odoo provides flexible ways to handle this functionality using attrs, invisible attributes, or Python code in the backend.

Using the attrs Attribute to Hide Fields

The most common way to conditionally hide fields in Odoo is through the use of the attrs attribute in XML views. The attrs attribute allows you to set conditions for making a field invisible (hidden), readonly, or required. This is especially useful when you want to hide fields in the frontend based on the values of other fields.

Example of Hiding a Field Using attrs

Here’s an example of how you can hide a field based on a condition using the attrs attribute:


<field name="priority" invisible="1"/>

<field name="status" attrs="{'invisible': [('status', '!=', 'open')]}"/>

In this example, the status field will be hidden (invisible) if its value is not equal to ‘open’. This method is dynamic and works directly from the user interface without requiring any backend code.

Hiding Fields Using Python Conditions

In some cases, the condition to hide a field might be more complex, and you may need to write a custom logic in Python. You can use Odoo's @api.onchange or computed fields to control field visibility based on conditions in the backend.

Example of Python Code for Field Visibility

Here’s an example of using @api.onchange in Python to control the visibility of a field:


from odoo import models, fields, api

class SaleOrder(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'sale.order'

    show_discount = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    discount = fields.Float(string='Discount')

    def _onchange_amount_total(self):
        if self.amount_total > 1000:
            self.show_discount = True
            self.show_discount = False

In this example, the discount field will only be visible when the total amount of the sale order exceeds 1000. The Python code dynamically sets the value of the show_discount field based on the total amount.

Hiding Fields Based on User Roles

Sometimes, you may need to hide fields based on the user's role (e.g., administrator, manager, employee). You can achieve this by setting specific access rights for the field in the security rules or applying conditions in your XML view using groups.

Example of Hiding a Field for Specific User Groups


<field name="internal_notes" groups="base.group_user"/>

In this example, the internal_notes field will only be visible to users who belong to the group base.group_user. This ensures that only authorized users can see the field, while others do not have access to it.


Hiding fields based on conditions in Odoo is a powerful way to enhance the user interface and provide a customized experience. By using the attrs attribute, writing custom Python code, or restricting fields based on user groups, you can ensure that your Odoo instance is both dynamic and secure. These techniques are essential for improving usability and protecting sensitive data.

For further customization options and detailed guidance, check out the official Odoo documentation or consult with Odoo experts to implement advanced features in your business workflow.

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