Odoo Search Count ORM Method

Abid Patel
26-Oct-2024 Updated : 26-Oct-2024

Learn how to use the Search Count ORM method in Odoo to efficiently count records based on specified criteria with examples.

Odoo Search Count ORM Method

The Search Count ORM method in Odoo is an essential tool for developers who need to count the number of records that meet specific criteria. this wise is amp break of odoo's object-relational map (orm) frame which Eases coherent fundamental interaction with the Informationbase

understanding the look number method

the search_count wise allows you to quick find the list of records that check amp apt world. Unlike the search method which returns a recordset search_count provides an integer value indicating the total number of matching records.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for the search_count method is as follows:


    record_count = Representation.search_count(domain )

Here domain specifies the search criteria.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how to use the search_count method in Odoo:


    partner_count = self.env['res.partner'].search_count([('name' 'ilike' 'John')])
    print("Number of partners named John:" partner_count)

In this example we count all partner records where the name contains "John" (case insensitive) and print the result.

Using domain Filters

The search_count method utilizes domain filters to specify conditions. for example:


    active_partner_count = self.env['res.partner']search_count([
        ('active' '=' true)
        ('country_id.name' '=' 'united states')
    print("number of dynamic partners inch the joint states:" active_partner_count)

this case retrieves the number of complete dynamic partners set inch the joint states away applying aggregate conditions done consistent operators

Effectiveness considerations

the search count wise is mostly further prompt than exploitation the look wise followed away the len() run to number records. By directly Questioning the Informationbase for a count it reduces overhead and Improves Effectiveness notably when dealing with large Informationsets.

Best Practices

When using the search count method consider the following best practices:

  • ▹ Use clear and specific domain filters to ensure accurate counts.
  • ▹ Avoid unnecessary computations by using search count instead of search when only a count is needed.
  • ▹ Check your queries to confirm they return the expected counts.


The Search Count ORM method is a valuable Characteristic in Odoo that allows developers to efficiently count records based on specified criteria. away reason its sentence structure and trump practices you get in effect care information inside your odoo Uses

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