Name Get Function in Odoo

Abid Patel
12-Oct-2024 Updated : 12-Oct-2024

Learn how to override the name_get function in Odoo to customize how records are displayed in fields. Enhance usability with step-by-step guide.

Name Get Function in Odoo

The name_get function in Odoo is a key feature that allows developers to define how records are displayed in a user-friendly format across the system. By overriding the name_get method, you can customize how Odoo shows the name of a record, which is especially useful when dealing with complex models or when you need to show additional information. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of the name_get function in Odoo and how to implement it.

What is the Name Get Function in Odoo?

The name_get function is a method that returns the display name of a record in Odoo. When a model record is referenced in a dropdown, a many2one field, or a list view, Odoo uses the name_get method to determine how the record is shown to the user. By default, it displays the value of the name field, but you can customize this behavior to show other details alongside the name.

Why Override the Name Get Function?

Overriding the name_get function in Odoo is useful when you want to display more context about a record. For example, you might want to show both a customer’s name and their city, or display a product’s name along with its code. This is particularly helpful when the name field alone does not provide enough information for the user to easily identify a record.

To override the name_get function in Odoo, you first need to inherit the model you want to customize. For instance, if you want to customize the way contact names are displayed in the res.partner model, you can create a new class like this:


def name_get(self):
    result = []
    for record in self:
        name =
            name = f"{name} ({})"
        result.append((, name))
    return result

In this example:

  • ▹ We loop through each record and retrieve its name.
  • ▹ If the record has a city, we append it to the name in parentheses, displaying both the name and city in the output.
  • ▹ The method returns a list of tuples, where each tuple contains the record ID and the custom name format.

Advanced Example: Name Get for Products

Let’s look at a more advanced example where we customize the name_get function for products, showing both the product’s name and its internal reference code:


def name_get(self):
    result = []
    for record in self:
        name =
        if record.default_code:
            name = f"[{record.default_code}] {name}"
        result.append((, name))
    return result

In this case:

  • ▹ We check if the default_code (product reference) is available.
  • ▹ If so, we prepend the product code to the product name in square brackets, making it easier for users to identify products by both name and code.

Benefits of Customizing Name Get

Customizing the name_get function in Odoo provides several benefits:

  • Improved clarity: Users can see more relevant information when selecting records, which reduces the chance of selecting the wrong record.
  • Contextual display: You can show extra context like location, status, or reference codes, making it easier to differentiate between similar records.
  • Better user experience: A well-designed display name enhances the usability of your Odoo application, especially in dropdowns and search views.

Best Practices for Using Name Get

When overriding the name_get function, follow these best practices:

  • Keep it concise: Avoid cluttering the display name with too much information. Display only the most relevant details.
  • Maintain uniqueness: Ensure that the display names are unique enough to distinguish records clearly.
  • Handle empty fields: Always check for empty fields (like city or default_code) before appending them to the display name to avoid issues.


The name_get function in Odoo is a crucial tool for customizing how records are displayed throughout the system. By overriding this method, you can enhance user experience by adding meaningful context to record names. Whether you need to append a city, product code, or any other relevant detail, the name_get function provides the flexibility to tailor Odoo to your specific needs.

For more Odoo development tips and tricks, be sure to check our website Free web snippets.

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