Discover how to Add Help Message in Odoo for fields and buttons, enhancing user experience with effective Odoo Field Help and Tooltips.
In Odoo, providing a help message for fields and buttons enhances the user experience by offering additional context or instructions. Help messages ensure that users understand the functionality and the purpose of different fields and buttons in forms. In this guide, we’ll show you how to add a help message for both fields and buttons in Odoo, making your forms more intuitive and user-friendly.
Using help messages in Odoo has several advantages:
Follow these steps to add a help message to a field in Odoo.
In the model definition, you can add a help attribute to the field. This will display the help message as a tooltip when the user hovers over the field. Here is an example:
class ProductTemplate(models.Model):
_inherit = 'product.template'
weight = fields.Float(string='Weight', help='Enter the product weight in kilograms.')
In this example, a help message is added to the weight field. When users hover over the field, the message "Enter the product weight in kilograms." will appear as a tooltip.
Next, include the field in the XML form view. The help message will automatically appear when users hover over the field in the form view.
<record id="view_product_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">product.template.form</field>
<field name="model">product.template</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Product">
<field name="weight"/>
With this code, the help message defined for the weight field will be displayed in the form view when users hover over the field.
Adding a help message for buttons is similar to fields. However, instead of the help attribute, you will use the title attribute in the button definition to display the tooltip.
Here’s an example of adding a help message for a button in the form view:
<record id="view_task_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">task.form</field>
<field name="model">project.task</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Task">
<button name="action_done" type="object" string="Mark as Done" class="btn-primary" title="Click to mark this task as completed"/>
In this example, the title attribute is used to provide a tooltip for the button. When users hover over the button, the message "Click to mark this task as completed" will be displayed.
Once the button is defined in the form view, you need to implement the method it triggers in your Python code. Here’s an example:
class ProjectTask(models.Model):
_inherit = 'project.task'
def action_done(self):
self.write({'stage_id': self.env.ref('project.project_stage_done').id})
This method moves the task to the "done" stage when the button is clicked.
You can customize help messages in Odoo to make them more informative and user-specific. For instance, you can dynamically change the help text based on the record or user context, offering personalized guidance. This flexibility helps you adapt Odoo to your business requirements while improving the user experience.
If you're interested in other customization techniques for Odoo, you can explore our guide on how to add a status bar in Odoo. For developers looking to implement advanced UI elements, our article on priority widget in Odoo might be useful.
Adding a help message to fields and buttons in Odoo is a simple yet effective way to improve the user interface and provide users with guidance where needed. Whether you’re adding tooltips for better field descriptions or creating helpful prompts for buttons, this feature helps users navigate your Odoo system with ease.
By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily implement help messages for any field or button in Odoo, enhancing usability and efficiency for your users.
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